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Meet Your Coach


My Story

I'm Max Sandquist - your dedicated resource and accountability partner as we level up over the next few months together.


Most of my life has revolved around excelling at competitive sports and becoming the best player I could. I trained hard, dedicated myself to my craft and ate well until November of 2020 when I was shockingly diagnosed with Crohn's Disease - an inflammatory bowl disease (IBD) which lead to chronic fatigue, weight loss and severe malnutrition.


The doctor told me I would never return to my former physical stature and that I would need to take medications every morning for the rest of my life. I was faced with a decision to accept this sentence over my life or to take charge and dial in my nutrition and fitness in the hopes of restoring my life to what I had known before.


After months of persistent research related to the disease, learning about proper nutrition, making radical changes to my lifestyle and pressing into my faith about my healing I was able to ease off of medications and gain back over 15 lbs of muscle I had lost.


Eating correctly, taking appropriate supplements and working out 5 times/week became a baseline for my daily habits. It's something I've become passionate about helping others implement in their lives and make sustainable changes to their routines. 


I'm ready to help you transform your life through my tried and true program that has helped many others do the same. Let's step out in faith together to help you achieve your goals and improve every area of your life, starting with fitness.


Submit an inquiry below to learn more about how I can support you in your journey...

Let’s Work Together

Tel: (303) 905-4390

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